Unit 4

Page 1

librarian - bibliotecari/a
computer programmer - programador/a
teacher - mestre/a, professor/a
student - estudiant
scientists - científic/a

Page 2

cook - cuiner/a
secretary - secretari/a
gardener - jardiner/a
security guard - guàrdia de seguretat
tour guide - guia turístic/a

Page 3

have - haver o tenir
find - trobar
write - escriure
go - anar
see - vore
run - córrer

Page 4

gardener - jardiner/a
pickers - recol·lectors
machine operator - operadors/es de màquina
lorry driver - conductor de camió
factory worker - treballador de fàbrica

Page 5

dancer - ballarí/a
teacher - mestre/a, professor/a
tour guide - guia turistic/a
cook - anar
security guard - guàrdia de seguretat

Page 6

What does he do?
He's a secretary.

Page 7

What does he do?
He's a teacher.

Page 8

What does he do?
He's a gardener.

Page 9

What does he do?
He's a guard.

Page 10

What does he do?
He's a scientist.

Page 11

What does he do?
He's a cook.

Page 12

What does he do?
He's a students.

Page 13

What does he do?
He's a librarian.

Page 14

What does he do?
He's a guide.

Page 15

What does he do?
He's a programmer.

Page 16

He play classical music. (Present - Afirmative)
He played classical music. (Past - Afirmative)
He didn't play classical music. (Past - Negative)

Page 17

They listen to their teachers. (Present - Afirmative)
They listened to their teachers. (Past - Afirmative)
They didn't listen to their teachers. (Past - Negative)

Page 18

We don't talk a lot. (Present - Negative)
We talked a lot. (Past - Afirmative)
We didn't talk a lot. (Past - Negative)

Page 19

She use computer. (Present - Afirmative)
She used computer. (Past - Afirmative)
She didn't use computer. (Past - Negative)

Page 20

We arrive at nine o'clock. (Present - Afirmative)
We arrived at nine o'clock. (Past - Afirmative)
We didn't arrive at nine o'clock. (Past - Negative)

Page 21

They don't watch TV. (Present - Afirmative)
They watched TV. (Past - Afirmative)
They didn't watch TV. (Past - Negative)

Page 22

You talk in the school. (Present - Afirmative)
You talked in the school. (Past - Afirmative)
He didn't talk in the school. (Past - Negative)

Page 23

You work in my home. (Present - Afirmative)
You worked in my home. (Past - Afirmative)
You didn't work in my home. (Past - Negative)


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