Unit 1

Page 1

I brush my teeth at eight o'clock.
He brushes his teeth at eight o'clock.

Page 2

I wake up at eight o'clock.
He wakes up at eight o'clock.

Page 3

I make my bed at eight o'clock.
She makes her bed at eight o'clock.

Page 4

I leave home at eight o'clock.
She leaves home at eight o'clock.

Page 5

I take the dog for a walk at eight o'clock.
She takes the dog for a walk at eight o'clock.

Page 6

I arrive home at eight o'clock.
She arrives home at eight o'clock.

Page 7

I watch TV at eight o'clock.
She watches TV at eight o'clock.

Page 8

I have a shower at eight o'clock.
She has a shower at eight o'clock.

Page 9

I use the internet at eight o'clock.
She uses the internet at eight o'clock.

Page 10

I catch the bus at eight o'clock.
She catches the bus at eight o'clock.

Page 11

Adverbs of frequenly

  1. always - sempre
  2. usually - normalment
  3. sometimes - algunes vegades
  4. never - mai

Page 12

I always have a shower at eight o'clock.

Page 13

I never use the internet in the morning.

Page 14

I sometimes take my dog for a walk after shower.

Page 15

I usually leave home at half past eight.

Page 16

I always catch the bus stop at half past eight.

Page 17


  1. once - una vegada
  2. twice - dues vegades
  3. three times - tres vegades
  4. every - cada

Page 18

How often do you watch TV?

I watch TV every day.

Page 19

How often do you eat fruit?

I eat fruit three times a week.

Page 20

How often do you catch the bus?

I catch the bus every week.

Page 21

How often do you go for a walk?

I go for a walk twice week.

Page 22

How often do you read comics?

I read comics three times a month.

Page 23

Present simple / Present continuous

It rains every day.
It's raining every day.

Page 24

It snows every day.
It's snowing every day.

It windys every day.
It's winding every day.

Page 25

It hots every day.
It's hoting every day.

It clouds every day.
It's clouding every day.


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